Desserts,  Sauces

Homemade Chocolate Syrup

Шоколадный соус к панкейками
Шоколадный соус
Шоколадный соус из какао к блинам


✔ milk - 400 ml
✔ sugar - 140 g
✔ cocoa powder - 4 tbsp.
✔ wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
✔ butter - 20 g
✔ salt - 1 pinch
✔ vanillin - 1 pinch

🕜 10 minutes 
👥 8 servings
Nutrition*: 5/7/29
Calories*: 194 kcal

*per 100 grams of finished product


  1. Mix and stir dry ingredients in a saucepan.
  2. Put the saucepan on the middle fire and start to add milk, stirring well.
  3. Bring the syrup to the boil and reduce the fire. Boil for 3 minutes.
  4. Add butter and cook for 2 more minutes, remembering to stir.
  5. Eat delicious and easy to prepare chocolate syrup.

Full recipe

There are often situations when you have prepared a dessert, but lack a sauce, jam or syrup that would bring the appearance and taste of the dish to perfection. I had this when I was making pancakes. For such an occasion, there is a quick recipe to make a chocolate syrup from cocoa and milk.

No more than 10 minutes are spent for all cooking, and we get the perfect topping, suitable for pancakes, cakes and other desserts. You can also eat it yourself: with tea, coffee or milk.

For preparation we take cocoa, milk, sugar, some flour and butter. For a perfect balance of taste and aroma, add a pinch of vanilla and salt. First, we need to mix all the dry ingredients in one dish.

Ideally, take a saucepan, in which we will cook chocolate sauce. If there is no saucepan, cook in a small bowl. Put the saucepan with well-mixed cocoa, sugar and flour on the middle fire and start pouring milk. First pour about a third and try to break all the lumps.

Sometimes the cocoa sticks to the bottom and sides of the pot, so pass the surface of the whole pot with a blade. Ideally use the “magic spatula“. Once all the lumps have disappeared, add the rest of the milk and stir the mass.

Bringing the syrup to the boil, we make the fire weaker and continue the process of mixing. If you do not do this, the cocoa powder will settle at the bottom of the pot, where it will start to clump and possibly even burn.

We cook for only 3 minutes, then add butter. Boil chocolate syrup with butter for another 2 minutes, after which we remove it from the stove.

So that no film is formed from above, you can stir the sauce periodically until it cools down to such a state that it can be covered with food film.

Although not for all dishes it is necessary to knock our chocolate syrup. For example, for the same pancakes that we eat still warm, immediately after frying, it would be more appropriate to serve the sauce hot.

But I’m sure you’ll be much better at figuring out for yourself whether to use the syrup hot or cold.

And by the way, it is not inferior to the option from the store.

I also want to answer some of the most popular questions.

1) How to thicken the chocolate sauce?

The sauce cooked according to this recipe is quite thick, in a chilled version, but you can initially add some more flour and butter. Just do not overdo it, so that you do not get chocolate butter or muffin in the pot.

2) Can I make cocoa sauce on water?

Yes, you can completely replace milk with water, although I like this option less. There is also the option to replace sugar and milk with condensed milk. And then we will get, familiar to many of us, condensed cocoa.

Bon appetit! Don’t starve 😋

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  • Катя

    Спасибо за рецепт!!! Очень просто и вкусно. Готовила к сырникам, кстати которые делаю тоже по вашему рецепту, не первый раз.
    Я в восторге ☺️

    • Автор Егор

      Катя, большое спасибо за хороший отзыв! Скоро опубликуем еще несколько рецептов сладких топпингов, которые идеально сочетаются с сырниками, поэтому следите за обновлениями на сайте.

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