Diet Thin Pancakes
✔ kefir - 350 ml
✔ wholemeal flour - 100 g
✔ rice flour - 100 g
✔ egg - 2 eggs
✔ soda - 1 tsp.
✔ water - 250 ml
✔ salt - a pinch
✔ olive oil - grease the pan
🕜 20 minutes
👥 4 servings
Nutrition*: 5/2/17
Calories*: 111 kcal
* per 100 grams of raw product

- Make a batter of kefir, flour, eggs, water, baking soda.
- Bake pancakes in a pan.
- Enjoy the diet and tasty pancakes made with kefir.
Full recipe
A healthy diet is not a reason to give up everyone’s favorite pancakes. In fact, the recipe for healthy pancakes is almost no different from the classic version, and they taste very similar. But the ingredients are chosen in such a way that we do not get unhealthy food.
Before we begin, I would like to point out that diet pancakes are often used as preparations for more complex dishes, such as diet cakes. So depending on your goals, you can add sweetener to them. I, on the other hand, will make a more common version, which can be eaten with sweet toppings, such as healthy condensed milk or banana sauce, as well as with minced meat or salted salmon.
Sweetened condensed milk Banana sauce
First we need to knead the batter. We will cook it with kefir (350 ml), so that the pancakes turn out airy and with holes. I use homemade kefir made with starter. It’s quite thick and incredibly rich. Pour it into a bowl and add the eggs (2 pieces).
Now add the flour (200 g). You can use one type or a combination of any flour that is considered healthy: whole wheat, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, etc.
I like to mix whole wheat and rice flour the best, in equal proportions. Mix all the contents well until homogeneous.
I recommend sifting the flour for making pancakes to remove any lumps that formed in the bag while it was lying around.
At this point you need to add baking soda to the dough to make it carbonated, and water to get the perfect liquid consistency. To do this, take warm water (250 ml) and throw in the baking soda (1 tsp.).
Start pouring the liquid into the dough little by little and stir it. Do not pour everything at once, because due to the difference in the structure of the flour and the consistency of the kefir, for the same condition, different amounts of water are needed. We achieve a density like liquid sour cream.
Now add a pinch of salt, finally knead the dough and move on to baking.
It is better not to let the dough stand, and immediately proceed to cooking, otherwise the carbon dioxide from the reaction of baking soda and kefir will air out and the pancakes will not turn out puffy.
It is best to bake the pancakes in a non-stick frying pan. But I always make sure to grease the pan with vegetable oil.
To do this, you can use a sprayer or a magic brush, which we told you about in the article “Accessories for the kitchen“.
Next, we take one scoop of batter and pour it onto a heated frying pan. Bake the pancakes over medium heat so that they have time to cook but do not start to burn.
After about 1.5 minutes, when there are a lot of air bubbles on the top side, flip the pancake and continue baking on the other side.
Keep the pancake on the pan for another 1-1.5 minutes and remove from the heat.
I recommend letting the pancake stand for a few minutes before eating, so as not to eat the hot batter.
By the way, it turns out puffy, tender and quite moist. Since pancakes are neutral in flavor, we definitely add sauces or toppings.
Bon appetit! Don’t starve 😋