Healthy Holodets – Diet Chicken Aspic Recipe
✔ chicken wings - 0.6 kg (6 wings)
✔ water - 2 l
✔ gelatin - 25 g
✔ onions - 1 pcs.
✔ carrot - 1 pcs.
✔ salt - 2 tsp.
✔ bay leaf - 4 pcs.
✔ black peas - 10 pcs.
✔ allspice - 2 pcs.
🕜 4 hours
👥 6 servings
Nutrition*: 16/8/2
Calories*: 141 kcal
* per 100 grams of raw product

- Wash and slice the chicken. Start cooking broth.
- Remove the foam from the broth. Add vegetables and spices. Boil 1.5 hours.
- Take out and cut wings. Put the meat in the form and add sliced carrots.
- Soak gelatine and stir with broth.
- Pour the kholodets and leave to cold.
- Eat delicious and diet healthy chicken aspic.
Full recipe
We are used to the fact that the holodets is cooked on pig’s feet. It turns out to be caloric and nutritious. But no one prevents to prepare a diet version of holodets on beef, chicken or turkey. Of course, it will be necessary to add gelatine, as in the case of pouring, but there is nothing to worry about. On the contrary, our dish will become not only dietary, but also even more healthy.
It is difficult to prepare healthy holodets without gelatin, because without pig’s hooves it is difficult to bring a lot of collagen to the meat broth, which gelates the mass.
Most often I cook diet aspic on chicken wings. The thing is that the wings have the most joints, which give the broth the meat flavor. If possible – use a chicken skeleton left from the cutting of poultry, or buy a soup set. Before cooking, the wings can be cut into phalanges so that they boil down harder.
In general, throw the wings (6 pcs) in the pot and pour cold water (2 liters). Bring it to a boil and start cleaning the foam. To do this, stir the wings and collect everything that pops up. A lot of foam from the chicken is not allocated, so the procedure takes a minimum of time.
Then we add vegetables and spices. I put onions (1 pcs.), carrots (1 pcs.), bay leaf (4 pcs.), black pepper (10 pcs.), fragrant peas (2 pcs.) and salt (2 pcs.).
You can also add fresh and dry herbs, such as parsley or coriander. Often, cooks just throw a bouquet garni, which gives enough spice to the holodets.
After filling up the broth, we leave it to boil on a small fire for 1.5 hours. I do not cover it with a lid so that the water evaporates. At the end should remain about 1 liter of boiled broth. We remove the wings, vegetables, spices from it and leave it to cool a little.
From the wings take off all the meat and cut into small pieces, if necessary. Most often it is immediately separated by small fibers. Put the chicken at the bottom of the forms in which we will cook the aspic.
If you like boiled carrots, also cut them into small pieces and spread them out with the meat.
If you are cooking a diet kholodets for yourself, you can pour in a large form. In case you are waiting for guests, it is better to pour into small jelly or dessert moulds.
While the broth cold, we leave the gelatine (25 g) in a separate bowl. For this, pour it with water of room temperature. The more jelly you want to get holodets, the more gelatine you need to add. But you probably shouldn’t take more than 40-50 g per 1 liter of broth.
Swollen gelatine is mixed with a slightly cold broth. It should not be too hot, so as not to spoil the jelly properties.
Stir the broth well until the full dissolution of gelatin and start pouring it into molds.
If the dishes and their contents are hot enough, leave them on the table for 10-20 minutes, then move them to the fridge.
In the cold season, you can safely leave the cold on the balcony. In just a few hours it will freeze no worse than in the fridge.
Ready-made diet holodets is absolutely nonfat, but saturated, jelly and, most importantly, delicious. It can be eaten as a separate dish or as an appetizer.
The shown recipe is completely dietary, so it can be safely prepared for everyone who adheres to the healthy food or keep diets, for example on the Dukan.

If desired, use sauces and bread. I highly recommend baking cottage cheese buns for holodets – believe me, it turns out very tasty.
Bon appetit! Don’t starve 😋